The first meeting in the presence of the NARRATIVE CARE project begins today in Hungary, which will see the representatives of the various partners of the project confronting: unpredictable personal reasons prevented Carla Sabatini from NKey from participating as expected, thanks to Sergio Brunetti from LUA for having been able to replace her alongside Grazia Chiarini in this particular event.

The meeting marks the conclusion of the first phase of the project which consisted in promoting the acquisition, by the operators, of basic capabilities in autobiographical methodologies. Each laboratory recorded writing exercises, reflections and theoretical insights offered by prof. Savino Calabrese.

The first part of the meeting will therefore be dedicated to the examination and group review of the autobiographies produced in this first step of the project, followed by training sessions dedicated to the areas of stimulation, execution and promotion of the various forms of autobiographical writing and preparation for the next steps of the project.