The apparently simple interview collection turned out to be a truly interesting moment of discussion and sharing, starting from the emotion of looking for the people to interview, according to the indications given, and in making arrangements with them to find each other. In this difficult period of the pandemic, all the interviews took place by telephone, video call or on the Zoom platform, except those addressed to users of the Santa Croce Rest Home, the “Cieli Aperti” Association of Prato and the “L’Albero and the Rua ”di San Sepolcro.
To facilitate the interview with more fragile subjects, who could find themselves in difficulty from an emotional point of view, with people, we, who would have known only online, we preferred to personally interview the animator of the RSA and the operators of the other two associations, giving their instructions on how to interview users of their respective facilities. In all three we were able to note their high professionalism combined with the enthusiasm to embark on this experience.
From the words of the animator, after the interview with the guests of the RSA: “It was interesting without a doubt! And he gave us several points for discussion, especially on the subject of travel and I rediscovered that all three of the travellers were! They recalled episodes of travels, places. I liked the spirit with which they approached the interview, with curiosity, they said ‘let’s try, I don’t know if I can answer!’. Reassure yourself that there were no right and wrong answers, they went for it! The game topic also evoked memories; they remembered writing and writing again! I also read a bit of resignation .. ‘Now I’m here, I don’t walk around anymore, but I used to go before, I liked to see the places’ were recurring speeches. ”
In a serene atmosphere, through the interviews, together with a lot of information on the possible themes to realize the online game, also the opportunity to rediscover ancient passions, memories, the curiosity to discover something new and what it can mean to be citizens of the largest country, Europe.
Precisely on the concept of Europe and their sense of identity, all the interviewees paused to reflect and it was a moment that everyone described in a positive way despite the difficulty of questioning themselves on this issue. Confrontation and sharing were the keywords of this experience which was welcomed with enthusiasm, certain issues were dealt with for the first time by most people and it was nice to encourage dialogue and encounter.